Story 409: The Walk

The Walk
Matt Zurbo

One day, Wombat decided to do something different, so went for a walk.

(On its hind legs.)

“Craw! Craw! What are you doing!?” warbled Magpie. “If you walk like that, people might point and stare.”

But Wombat just walked.

“Craw! No one expects that from a wombat,” warbled Magpie. “You’ll make people angry. Craw! Craw!”

“Yawn,” yawned Wombat, and walked.

“If you walk like that, craw, then what’s to stop goannas driving!?” warbled Magpie.

“Or galahs juggling!?”

But Wombat just walked… and walked.

“Or possums singing!?” protested Magpie.

“Nothing’s stopping them at all,” said Wombat. “Keep it up.”

And wombat walked, and walked.

“Wah! Wait!” warbled Magpie. “If you walk like that, next thing you know bunyips might come out in the harsh light of day.”

“Giant emus might ride BMXs!”

“The Dreamtime might be real!”

“Good,” Wombat said, “We should all do something different.” And it walked… and walked.

“ CRAW! But… but… what’s to stop kangaroos dancing? Lizards hanging out with crocodiles? Teenagers walking on all fours, ladybugs filling the air? Craw, craw!” warbled Magpie.

“Or Magpies talking,” said Wombat.


And goannas drove, and galahs juggled, and possums sang, and bunyips played and emus rode BMXs, the Dreamtime came to life, and kangaroos danced, and lizards and crocs hung out, teenagers walked on all fours, and ladybugs filled the air, and everybody laughed and did different things and said “Wow!” and had a great time…

And the wombat walked, and walked… and walked…

The End

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